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how to NOT have a to do list

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how to NOT have a to do list

November 15, 2023

by Elisabeth Srur

"TO-DO" lists used to haunt my dreams.  I would always feel this constant nagging to cross just one more thing off my list in the hopes that I would reach a place of calm, serene, satisfying accomplishment.  

It. never. happened.

I now use a few different tools that not only replace this old archaic system, but makes me more efficient and proactive. The basic concept is to eliminate your "TO-DO" list entirely by using your email inbox as a daily guide for reminders and actions. By using this system, I now have a clear understanding of what I need to do each day with the simulltaneous goal of getting to “INBOX zero”. Trying to prioritize what to do next, when you are already overwhelmed with a million tasks, is not a good strategy. 

There are a few things you have to do in order to start using this process. (OK, I am is a little more than a few things...)  It will take you some time to set up, but in the long run, it is worth it!


  • Make sure you have separate e-mailboxes for work, personal and subscriptions 

    • Note - setting up a separate email for shopping and subscriptions saves time by allowing you to control distractions ( i.e. spam and shoe shopping ) from clogging up your personal and work e-mailboxes. You can comfortably navigate through your day, not checking your subscription inbox, unless you have time. I use my subscription email to sign up for blogs, newsletters, e-commerce stores etc. -- Anything that is not specifically personal or work related. Additionally, if you ever find yourself with a mountain of online shopping returns, you can easily delegate the laborious task of finding the receipts and creating returns to someone else without the invasion of privacy if you gave someone your personal email log in instructions.

    • Sometimes, signing up for specific newsletters or websites is impossible to avoid.  It's even harder to avoid distraction by these emails during your work day.  In this case, set up a smart mailbox through MacMail that filters out anything with the word  "unsubscribe." Or, use the feature on gmail that sorts your emails by PRIMARY, PROMOTIONS, SOCIAL AND UPDATES - (directions here)

  • Unsubscribe from anything you don't read, don't want or don't care about etc.

    • Use a tool like that helps make the process of unsubscribing easier and more efficient. This tool can even combine certain subscriptions into one email summary. 


  • Use an email inbox like Superhuman

  • Use the “Snooze” feature on gmail

  • Use a service like, which is an email reminder tool that I didn't even realize I needed until I started using it. You can use it to send yourself reminders, follow up with someone and -- most importantly-- schedule your "TO-DO" items. 

    • by scheduling your "TO-DO" items, you are forced to prioritize when a new task is added to your list. It allows you to effectively separate urgent, non-urgent and important reminders effectively.  A calendar-based scheduling system, does not work nearly as well because you end up wasting time re-scheduling the task on the calendar -- or worse -- missing it entirely. With if you don't have time to complete the task on that day, you can hit one of the convenient "snooze buttons" in the reminder email.

    • Once your email(s) address is registered with, you schedule your emails by sending it to "(day)"  For example, if I have a task that I need to finish on Friday, I would email and I would get an email Friday. You can set up times, dates and even recurring reminders.  You can find a detailed list of how to use this service here

    • Some of the ways I use followupthen include:

      • sending myself boarding passes or flight info a few hours before my flight

      • setting up monthly recurring reminders to stay on top of financial work

      • BCCing followupthen when I am emailing a lead and want to make sure I email them again in a month. 

      • automatically resending an email to someone (or myself!) if they don't respond within a few days


  • Your inbox should ONLY contain actionable emails in it that you can respond to or do within that day

    • When you get a new email, it needs to be deleted, archived/filed, scheduled for the appropriate day (through a tool like followupthen or superhuman ) or kept in your inbox to complete THAT DAY.

    • Adopting this practice allows your inbox to stay focused on your daily priorities.

STEP 4: IDONETHIS.COM (optional, but recommended) 

  • If you are like me, crossing something off your "TO-DO" list is rewarding, even if only for a few seconds. (remember, it is the small joys in life that count here, people!) By adopting this new system, you won't have a list to cross off, however you can still get the same joy by using a tool called This is also a free tool that tracks your "DONE" list instead of your "TO-DO" list.  

  • Every day, you'll get an email asking you what you did that day, along with a list of the previous days accomplishments.  It takes about 30 seconds to complete this email, over time you'll get to see how much you are accomplishing. The tasks are searchable if you ever need to lookup when you did a particular task.

SIDE NOTE: Given all of the above, sometimes there is a need for a list.  Grocery shopping or short-term reminders don't need a complicated system. I call these types of lists "temporary lists." For this, I use microsoft TO DO or Iphone Notes, both can also be shared easily with friends and family.

I hope this system improves your daily routine as much as it has improved mine. Looking forward to hearing any feedback.

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